Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 15

The past couple of days have been ... challenging in a few ways. Namely because on Day 13, I did not work out. For whatever reason, I was just exhausted when I came home and was in bed, lights out, by 10pm. This caused a lot of bargaining and mental torment on my part. I swore to work out twice the next day, in the morning and after work. When the opportunity for the AM "make up" session came and went, I vowed to do the equivalent of two workouts that evening.

I was driving myself crazy and it had to stop. What I needed to do was move on. For my sanity and for the fact that I couldn't change it. On Friday evening, I walked the stairs again (so hard!), and did a weight circuit in the gym. I may continue to throw the stairs in the mix because nothing else gives that raw throat burning, knock the wind out of you feeling, like that does. Even though, I'm just walking up the stairs at a reasonable pace, I end up sweating and gasping by the 10th floor and have to take many breaks to make it to the 22nd.

Saturday morning, I headed to the farmer's market with Husband. This actually provided the opportunity for a nice walk as well as serving the very useful purpose of providing us with some fresh and local food. I wore my pedometer and this racked up roughly 1,000 steps alone for something that I do on a regular basis.

Later that afternoon, we went to the gym where we biked for about 20 minutes and then did a weight circuit. It was very nice to have company but I had to be careful not to push Husband too much, as he is a hard one to get into the gym at all! I think he felt good though; will try again today.

So- we are all caught up. My weight is holding steady which is NOT what I'm going for... Must tackle the diet end of things this week. I wouldn't have to work so hard to get the fat off if I wasn't always shoveling it in right? Oh, and portions, portions, portions. I'm working on eating until I am not hungry anymore, not until I'm full. Getting "full" is a lie we were told when we were kids and it's a hard notion to disabuse yourself of. The Japanese actually refer to it as hara hachi bu, eating until you are 80% full. I used to wonder how the heck I was supposed to know when exactly, I'd reached that point. I could start by not stuffing myself silly like it's my last meal. I continue to struggle with this daily... Mainly, because the portions that are sold are enormous to begin with and you don't want to feel that you are wasting your money. Perhaps this is a reminder to make more of my own food.

***link taken from an article by Michael Pollen, who has written many books about healthy and reasonable eating.

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